Please understand that plants are perishable goods. Imperfect leaves or slight plant distress from transportation are not signs of poor plant quality or health. Having said so, please report any signs of plant stress (yellowing of leaves, stem/root rot, etc.) within 24 hours of receiving. Submit pictures to
Note that any bruising or breakage of the plant as a result of courier mishandling is out of our control & therefore NOT substantive for return/refund/replacement.
We are unable to refund or replace plants due to weather conditions (extreme heat or cold), lost shipments due to courier handling, or stolen packages.
Please do your due diligence in understanding relevant plant needs prior to purchasing. We cannot refund or replace plants due to negligent care.
In the rare case that you receive a wrong order, please contact us within 24 hours of receiving your package with photo proof. We will make the final decision on whether to refund (fully or partially), send replacement, or request the plant/s to be sent back to us.
Any additional shipping fees implicated may or may not be requested of the customer.